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Component # 1 - Scholarship package: textbooks (Reading and math), school supplies, school uniform, miscellaneous fees;


Component # 2 - Mentoring program: weekly meetings with scholarship recipients or mentees for lifeskills training (children's aspirations, importance of education and girls’ education, self-confidence, self-esteem, rights and responsibilities of a citizen, reproductive health, coping with stress, friendships, friends’ influence, peer pressure, abstinence from sex and relationships, HIV and AIDS, work, professions and careers).


Component # 3 – Donation of school furniture to the public primary school of Na-honou in Savalou Aga: donation of 50 desks which will serve 100 students. Before the support from Agir Plus, the school had only 100 desks for 330 students; that forced the school administration to sit three students together. With the Coronavirus pandemic, the need for school furniture has become a priority. With the support of Agir Plus, the school now has enough to sit students safely.


Component # 4 - Saving for change: 22 mothers from the Na-Honou public primary school have formed a savings and loans group for economic and social empowerment purposes. The savings and loans scheme allows mothers to save but also lend to other mothers who want to start an income-generating activity. Currently, they contribute 225 F (200 F for the savings and loans plan and 25 F for the social fund) per week. The social fund allows members to support each other during difficult times, thus giving them the opportunity to create their own support group.


Envol in action !

We thank all the child sponsors who joined our movement to give a chance to a child in need.

The second cohort of sponsored children was selected in the district of Savalou.

75% of this second cohort are girls and 25% are boys from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The selection criteria were as follows: orphan, from a large family, mother as head of the household, limited income, sick parents, without fixed income or unemployed... The program is organized around the following:

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